Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Been A Blah Kind Of Week

Mackenzie & her new friend Will at church. They had fun together today!

This week has been kind of a lazy one because we have all been sick. Mackenzie had a little cold, gave it to Mommy and then Daddy. Me and Kenzie are feeling a lot better although Nathaniel just started feeling bad so he probably will be kind of out of it for a week. I think there is a bad cold going around town because several people I have talked to have been sick with the same symptoms. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon though! I never realized how being sick and a mom just do not work too well together!

Nathaniel's grandparents came over a couple of days this week bringing us chicken soup and a few other things that have been so helpful. They helped the week go by quicker and I always enjoy visiting with them. Mackenzie loves them so much and did not want them to leave. They offered to babysit on Saturday night and Nathaniel and I went to his brothers Caleb and Jacob's show at Kelly's Brickhouse Pub. It was nice to get out for a few hours and have some time together although I was thinking about my girl the entire time. I know she was having fun and had great people taking care of her so I wasn't worried. I am so very thankful to them though, Grandpa wasn't feeling well so I am sure she was a little challenging. She can be a handful :)!

Nathaniel's about to start a four day work stretch so I am already looking forward to next weekend. He finished his course so we will be talking to the Navy recruiter sometime this week. I am just ready to get everything going!

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