Saturday, October 23, 2010

We Are Having Fun!

We have been having so much fun together this month and Mackenzie has learned so much being 9/10 months. My camera isn't working well and my phone hasn't worked for the past two weeks so I haven't been able to take hardly any good photos! What a bummer! They always help me remember the things that have gone on. Here a few things that have been going on with us.

Mackenzie can WALK! Yes- my 10 month girl is on the loose! I posted a video to my facebook of her cute little walk. She throws her hands in the air and her legs wobble and then she falls on her diaper tush. Too sweet. Geez she's the best ever! I can't use enough exclamation points! She took 12 steps at Grandpa and Grandma Wragg's on October 20th and today she took 56, she has come quite a long way. I am so proud of her and I love seeing her face when she knows she has done a great and wonderful thing. I have never felt her love so much like I have lately. She has learned how to express herself and I know she loves her mommy although it's so nice to have her show me! I LOVE MY GIRL!

We have been going on walks lately. Walking was a daily activity of our a few months back although it became very hot and by the time it cooled down it was Mackenzie's bed time. Our walking route has changed quite a bit since we have moved. The hills here are torcherous to walk up. It's a fun way down though! We try to go as a family although days when Nathaniel works the girl and I do our best to go. To paint a picture in your mind of what our walk is like- It starts out fun, Mommy talking to Mackenzie..laughing at her super cute ways and on the way back its Mackenzie still doing super cute things and enjoying the ride and Mommy barely being able to make it up the hill and trying to find the John Deere mailbox which marks the top of the hill and the end of the pain. I am sure it will get easier and I need to stop going in the middle of the afternoon when it's 90 degrees outside.

Speaking of walks, we went on one with Kenzie's Great Grandma and Grandma today. It was a fun time, Kenzie enjoyed seeing some of her favorite people and got to swing which makes it an absolutely perfect trip! There was a triatholon going on as well and it was something to see. I respect people who train months and probably years to get into the shape to finish strong. They're remarkable. Mackenzie saw many dogs and a parrot and what little girl doesn't love her animals?!

I started a new job, kind of. It does not feel like a job because I enjoy it, haha. Our friend's mother is staying with them for a while and needs help a couple days a week and I'm just going over there and having a great time getting to know her. Mackenzie is loving her new friend and I finally know someone who enjoys Little House on The Prairie as much as I do, yay!

We are loving being back in Minneola/Clermont area. It is so fun to be able to go out during the day and meet up with family and friends. It was such a long drive before so I usually stayed in the apartment a lot and now I'm happier and me and Kenzie find so much more to do during the day. We also love our new bed bug free apartment, I think that's my favorite part, hehe.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures. I don't think she can take a bad one. We are certainly enjoying having you all living closer.
